Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My First Foray Into Jewelry Making!

After following DSK Jewelry's blog for a while, it got me thinking. How much easier would it be to just make the jewelry I want instead of going to several different stores looking for that perfect piece? Do you ever picture your outfit and try to find all the exact pieces to make that picture come true? I do. I have certain ideas and sometimes I just can't find what I'm looking for. So why not make it?

Turns out, this was NOT a case of "easier said than done". After doing a little bit of research, I was at Wal-Mart picking up some groceries and decided to swing by their crafts section. Had to walk around the whole store to find it -_- but I did eventually find it. I wanted to pick up some cheapie materials first so I could play around with it and make sure it was something I could and was interested in continuing. After a good half hour spent browsing everything, I picked up 3 pliers (came in a pack; only $8 so not the greatest quality but they got the job done), a baggie of headpins and eyepins, a baggie of jump rings (3 different sizes), a baggie of toggles and some "pearls".

My materials
It took a bit of getting used to and a few mistakes but I managed to make a bracelet quite easily. And I'm actually pretty proud of myself for doing it haha :D