Monday, April 4, 2011

Meet Cocoa Puff the Chinchilla :D

What is a chinchilla, you ask? Besides being a ball of furry cuteness, chinchillas are a class of rodent that are native to the Andes. Just a little bit of background courtesy of wikipedia (hey, I found it interesting lol):

Chinchillas are named after the Chincha people of the Andes and are mostly known for their dense, incredibly soft fur. In the wild, they ate mostly fruits, nuts, etc and were prey to a lot of animals. They are often killed for their fur due to the softness. In fact, to make a full length fur coat, it would take 150 chinchillas. Awful, right? As domestic pets, they are very friendly and very easy to take care of. Like most rodents, they need chew toys in order to wear their teeth down since their teeth grow continuously throughout their life. Also, because of their fur, they are very prone to overheating and should not be kept in rooms with temperatures about 80 degrees C. They are very agile and love to run and jump around however they have to be watched since chinchillas are very curious animals and tend to chew anything and everything. If scared, they are capable of urine spraying and fur slipping. They also don't make much noise; just the occasional indignant squeak and sometimes squeaks when they sleep. (chin nightmares?) Oh, and did I mention how fun and cute they are to play with?

Gnawing at his stick

Play with me!

I had been looking into getting a pet and found a listing for this little guy on craigslist. After meeting him, I brought him home that very night! I decided to name him Cocoa Puff :-) I have lots of video of him but I've yet to go through it and edit it. But feel free to leave a comment if you'd be interested in seeing him bouncing around.

His little hut--the roof is gone though since he chewed it up
Watching a TiffanyD video with me

Sleeping in this hut. What a cutie

He loves playing!

All tuckered out

Is my pet a makeup junkie too?

The escape artist

Taking a dust bath...

...and loving it!

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I look forward to reading all comments!